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Business Profiles

When we talk with local business owners, often times there is a frustration of why they are not featured on the local map section of Google, Yahoo and Bing.

Obviously there is a great deal of importance of getting those rankings, which is why the competition is fierce to achieve page 1 results. You can no longer just go and create a business listing on Google and expect it to be showcased on the first page. There are to many other factors that contribute to the rankings.

Our Metro Marketing Service is designed to help achieve those rankings we're all aspiring for. One of the components of this service is a directory listing management. That doesn't just mean building profiles and adding pictures. It means generating a consistent message that can be found in lots of platforms.

The reason this is important is that the search engines want to show reliable and relevant information to the user. So if you have profiles that show your (NAP) business name/address/phone number differently, then you have a problem. The search engines can't tell which profile is correct, so they are likely to not display one of your profiles at all, as apposed to showing unreliable results.

Want to see if your business has and local listing conflicts? Click here, and scroll to the bottom to find out.

FMM Local Listings.jpg

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