Live Videos on Facebook

Facebook Now with Live Stream
You may have already seen this on Facebook- initially, it was only available for celebrities, and people with verified pages. Perhaps if you are one to follow some of the biggest names in Hollywood, you have watched a live stream or two. Now, however, it is available to everyone.
Why does this matter:
Earlier this year, two new apps that were designed to stream live video and interact with fans rolled out- Meerkat and Periscope. Meerkat has about 2 million users. Periscope- who is partnered with Twitter- gained 1 million users in just 10 days after its release.
People want live videos. It gives them a sense of belonging and involvement. Imagine following your greatest rock idol and watching a live video of him/her backstage right before or after a concert. I might be giving away some details about myself here- but I followed some live stream videos of New Kids on the Block that were recorded DURING one of their concerts… I couldn’t put my phone down, and I definitely wanted more when the video was over.
How do you use it?
It’s almost the same as writing a status on Facebook. Open the app, then when you click to write a status, you will see an icon that looks like a person with 2 halos around them. Click that icon. You will be able to give your video a title, choose your privacy settings (who can see your stream), then click “go live” to start recording. Your video will be saved to your FB page (until and unless you choose to delete it).
This is a great way to give fans and followers a little something extra. Use it to give tours of your facility, give exclusive behind the scenes sneak peaks, or have live question and answer sessions.
The point is to get engaged any way that you can.
For more ideas on how you can make the most of live streaming, contact Front Man Marketing today.